Converting Rulesets to Datasets

There are two very useful tasks in Rulex which allow you to convert rulesets to datasets and vice versa.

The Convert Ruleset to Dataset task converts rulesets to datasets so you can then perform in-depth analysis and specific operations, which are not available for rules, via pre-processing tasks such as the Data Manager.

For example, you may want to filter rules through a formula to identify only those rules which have a specific range of covering.

If required, the resulting dataset can then be reconverted to a ruleset via the Convert Dataset to Ruleset task.



  1. Drag and drop the Convert Ruleset to Dataset task onto the stage.

  2. Connect a task, which contains the ruleset you want to convert, to the new task.

  3. Double click the conversion task.

  4. Configure the options described in the Convert Ruleset to Dataset options table below.

  5. Save and compute the task.

Convert Ruleset to Dataset options

Parameter Name


Dataset format

Select the required format for the dataset (rulewide), which can be one of the following:

  • One row for each term: the resulting table contains a row for each condition attribute value within each rule

  • One row for each condition: the resulting table contains a row for each condition attribute within each rule

  • One rule for each rule: the resulting table contains a row for each rule

Conditions on ordered attributes format

Select the required format for the conditions on ordered attributes (ruleinterval), which can be one of the following:

  • a < x < b: values will always be displayed with greater than or less than indicators

  • x > a, x in [a,b]: values will be displayed with greater than or less than indicators, or as a range when possible

  • x in [0,Inf], x in [a,b]: values will always be displayed as a range, using an infinite value (Inf) when these is no end of range value available.