Rulex Factory Licences

In order to satisfy business and financial needs of all companies, three different Rulex Factory licenses are available:

  • Factory Lite

  • Factory Personal

  • Factory Enterprise

Rulex Factory Lite

Rulex Factory Lite is the starting level license, ideal for small business and single users, working in a standalone scenario. It can be installed on a standard laptop.

Despite its name, this license version contains all the tools you need to import, pre-process, analyze data using AI, classification, optimization and many other algorithms (including Rulex’s AI proprietary explainable AI algorithm).

The data that can be handled by a Rulex Factory Lite license is restricted to 10 million cells of data.

Technical Documentation is included, and support is provided via Rulex Community.

Rulex Factory Lite includes:

  • Desktop installation on standard laptop

  • Full local import and export capabilities

  • Data analysis tasks

  • Data transformation tasks

  • Classification, regression, clustering, association algorithms

  • MILP optimization

  • Model evaluation

  • Rule management tasks

  • Python/R bridge

  • Rule based control

  • Data limited to 10M cells

  • Technical documentation

  • Rulex Community support

Rulex Factory Personal

Rulex Factory Personal is the middle level license, suitable for users who need advanced features and unlimited data, but are still working in a standalone scenario.

Support is provided through Customer Support portal.

Rulex Factory Personal includes all the features from Rulex Factory Lite, plus:

  • Code variables

  • Runtime variables

  • Unlimited data

  • Parallel computation functionalities

  • Versioning

  • Auto-generated documentation

  • Saved resources

  • Modules

  • Network optimization

  • Customer support portal access

Rulex Factory Enterprise

Rulex Factory Enterprise is the most complete license, suitable for enterprise multi-user scenarios.

For this license type, you need to purchase at least 4 simultaneous sessions. The number of sessions is defined by the product key.

Support is provided through the customer support portal with a defined Service Level Agreement, guaranteeing response times, for enterprise flows in production.

Rulex Factory Enterprise includes all the features from Rulex Factory Personal, plus:

  • Cloud deployment

  • Alerting capabilities

  • Event recording

  • Workgroup functionalities

  • Flow scheduling

  • Rest API

  • Vault variables

  • Silent installation

  • Data encryption

  • Workflow review tool

  • Customer support with SLA for production flows