Using the Environment Variables
Not available in Factory Lite license.
Available in Factory Personal license with restrictions (Vault variables for Factory Enterprise only)
The Environment Variables panel contains all the variables belonging to the selected environment.
You can open it by opening the environment and clicking on the three-dotted button next to environment name in the explorer.
The environment variables can be visualized and modified only by those who have modify permissions.
As more environments can be created, it is necessary to understand the hierarchy when different environments have the same variable.
As it has already been mentioned, you can build environments within environments, so it might seem difficult to understand which are the variables that will be inherited by the current flow:
the variables coming from the closest environment will be the flow’s variables.
Click the Explore resources button and open the Explorer.
In the Resources pane, select the environment you want to set variables to.
Click on the three-dotted button and click Environment Variables.
Select whether you want to add Code variables or Vault variables by clicking on the corresponding tab.
Set the variables by either:
Clicking on the variable you want to modify;
Clicking on the plus button to add new variables and to set them by choosing the number and whether if they are sensitive or not;
Clicking on the minus icon to delete a variable.
Click Save to save the changes or click Discard to close the panel without applying changes.