Using the Code Variables

Not available in Factory Lite license.

Code variables allow you to change the values of parameters used in task options without needing to open and modify the flow directly.

A single variable can be used for many different task options, so that when it is changed you simultaneously change the value for all the options that use the code variable.

For example, an exchange rate, or the current date could be defined as a code variable in many different tasks in a flow, and this single value could be updated just once through the corresponding code variable.

Code variables are located in the Flow Summary.

Sensitive variables are now included in the Code variables, as their values are hidden. If you have the Modify permissions, you can see the sensitive value by clicking on the eye next to it, otherwise encrypted values are displayed.

This operation is possible only when the user with Modify permissions is inserting the sensitive variables. After having saved the variables, this option won’t be available anymore.



  1. Select the Variables tab from the panel located at the left of the stage.

  2. Click on the pencil button to open the Variables panel and choose the Code tab.

  3. Modify the code variables by either:

    1. Clicking on the text you want to make changes to;

    2. Clicking on the plus button to add new variables;

    3. Clicking on the minus button to delete an existing variable.

  4. Sources can be modified by choosing them by opening the drop down list in the Source section.

  5. Click Save to save the changes or click Discard to close the panel without applying changes.