Setting the parametric options in the Option Manager

Parametric Options can be modified not only through the task, but also in the Summary tab.

The Option Manager allows to modify the parametric options of the selected task(s) without opening them.

Once you have clicked on the pencil button, the Option Manager window opens and a check box appears next to each task in the summary.

You can also access the Option Manager by clicking on the fx button placed next to each object. To visualize the button, you need to hover over the object.

In case you need to modify all the parametric options, click on the fx button placed on the top-right side of the panel.


You can select only one category at a time. If you want to set the parametric options for multiple tasks, they need to belong to the same category.

In case you need to set the parametric options for only certain tasks included within a category, only the shared parametric options can be modified.



  1. Open the Option Manager by clicking on the pencil button.

  2. Select the task you want to open by clicking on the check box.

  3. Set its parametric options and click:

    1. Apply if you want to save the changes;

    2. Restore if you modified certain values but you want to return to the first parametric options' version;

    3. Exit if you want to close the window without applying any modification.