Saving Sources for Import and Export tasks

The Saved source refers to the resources (databases, filesystems, remote repositories) that have been saved within the Environment.

Connecting to remote filesystems and saving them results in time saving and in the enhancement of:

  • Maintainability, so that all the information related to the sources are modifiable and stored in only one place;

  • Security, because once the connection is set, you don’t need to insert the details every time you import data. This way, the passwords' management can be restricted to a specific group of users (generally admins).

Source types available

The Saved Source in the Desktop version

Saved sources can be used in the desktop version.

Working with remote connections in the desktop version can be useful if you are not using datasets which get updated regularly by you or by other users, and they are stored remotely for other reasons.

The reason is that the file is imported in a machine-based software, so any change to the file made after the import operation won’t be applied to the imported version of the file.

If a file coming from a Saved source (a Remote Filesystem or a Database) gets updated after having imported it, you only need to recompute the flow.

The Saved Source in the Cloud version

Once the source is saved, you can import the files in it.

When working in the cloud version, if the imported file gets updated regularly and updates are made after the import operation, you only need to recompute the flow, so that the file updates.


  1. Open the Explorer.

  2. Unselect the Flow Filter.

  3. Hover the plus button and choose whether to add a new filesystem or a new database.

  4. Add the connection information required, listed in the table below.

  5. Click Finish to save the connection.