Working with your data in the Factory

After having understood the basic concepts of the Factory, you are now ready to start building your flows.

The Factory toolbar, located at the top of the stage, provides quick access to the following operations:




Explore resources

It opens the Explorer and allows you to browse through the flows created.

Full Screen

The software’s view is turned to full screen.


It rolls back the last operation performed to reach the last computation performed. It doesn’t cancel the last computation.


It cancels the previous undo operation.

Compute Selected

It computes only the selected tasks.

Compute Onwards

It computes all the tasks downstream of the selected tasks.

Compute Up To

Computes all the tasks upstream of the selected tasks.

Compute Flow

It computes the whole flow.

Compute In-memory

It computes all the tasks in the flow, without saving the data and results in the database.

Normally when you compute a flow all of its intermediate steps are saved in the database, which obviously takes time.

Computing a flow with in In-Memory consequently speeds up the whole computation operation.


Constraints and recommendations

  • in-memory computation can only be performed on a whole flow, and not on parts of it.

  • the flow must have already been tested and debugged as you cannot evaluate intermediate steps of the flow via a Data Manager task, for example.

  • one or more export tasks should be added to the end of the flow to collect and view the results.

Compute In-memory (save sources data)

Computes all the tasks in the flow, saving the output of the import tasks in the database at the end. This may be useful if you want to check the raw data.

Here is a list of the topics we will be dealing with in this section of the manual:

Children macro unable to render for apps.