Factory Terminology

Here is some of the terminology you need to be familiar with when working in the Factory:




Can be set for all computable Rulex tasks. They quickly detect problems in a computation, and pinpoint where a problem occurred.


In the query panel of the Data Manager task, this option allows to apply certain functions to data.

Code variables

They are the parameters used in task options. They can be modified without needing to open and modify the flow directly.


The modifications made to options, parameters and data which have been saved will affect the data produced by the task.


In the Rule Manager, it indicates the percentage of patterns (with the output class of the rule) matched by this rule in relation to the total number of patterns of that class.


It is an organized collection of data, which can be easily accessed by a computer.


The report of the operations performed on the current flow and on single tasks.


Folder where resources are contained. It can be configured depending on the business needs, and all the resources within it automatically inherit its options, unless they get modified in specific flows within the environment.


In the Rule Manager, it indicates the percentage of patterns (with the output class different from the rule’s one) matched by this rule in relation to the total number of patterns where the output class is different from the class of the rule.


The element which contains the macro, which can be created and run within the flow.


Navigation menu where all the resources are listed.


It has to be created in order to use the Factory. It contains all the tasks used to analyze data, and it’s made up of concatenated tasks. A flow can be exported or imported onto the Stage, and automatically inherits sources and options from the Environment it belongs to. Sources and options can be changed within the flow: the modifications are applied only to the current flow.


Equation designed by the users, based on their needs.


In the query panel of the Data Manager task, it identifies subsets of cases which have the same value, variable or sets of variables.


Section where all the modifications done can be visualized.

Local Filesystem

It is the machine’s memory, where flows or datasets can be stored.


The recording of specific operations made onto the flow.

Option Manager

It allows to modify the parametric options of the chosen task.

Parametric Options

The task options.


In the Rule Manager, it's either the number of cases that belong to the output class or the number of cases that do not belong to the output class.


General name for Factory’s user authorizations.


In the query panel of the Data Manager task, this option allows to apply filters to the values after having sorted, grouped or applied functions to them.


In the query panel of the Data Manager task, this option allows to apply filters to the values before sorting, grouping or applying functions to them. 

Priority Manager

It’s a panel where you can set task computing priorities.

  • 0 - default value, the computing operations will follow the parent-child task hierarchy.

  • 999999999 - the higher the value, the higher its priority. The task with the higher value will be the first one to be executed, respecting the parent-child hierarchy.

  • -999999999 - the lower the value, the lower its priority. The task with the lower value will be the last one to be executed, respecting the parent-child hierarchy.


It allows to call off the Undo performed.

Refresh Plot

After having built the plot, it’s an option to update the plot when query operations are performed.

Remote Connection

It is a connection to an usually cloud-based remote repository, where flows or datasets can be stored.


The folder where the versioned flow is saved.

Search manager

Where you can look for specific flow’s tasks, variables, options or history.


In the query panel of the Data Manager task, this option allows to organize data according to their values.


It is an object which represents a primary element in the Factory, from which information is gathered.

There are different resources in the Factory:


Factory’s main canvas, where you build flows by dragging and connecting the tasks onto it, and performing advanced computation operations, like modifying variables and setting alerts.


Tab where you can find a summary of all the tasks used in the current flow. They can be sorted by their category or their name.


The most elementary unit in Rulex Factory. Each task receives (apart from the import tasks) receive data from its parent task and creates outputs (e.g. processed data, models, rules) which in turn are provided to its child task.

Test Set

It is used to assess the accuracy of the model. It can be created in the Split Data and the Data Manager tasks.

Training Set

It identifies patterns in the data and builds the model. It can be created in the Split Data and the Data Manager tasks.


It allows users to cancel the last operation performed.


The account of the person who is using the machine. There can be multiple users in the Factory.

Vault variables

Variables related to vaults, that are password managers, usually a cloud service. Single items contained in a vault are usually called secrets.

Validation Set

It can be used for tuning the model parameters. It can be created in the Split Data and the Data Manager tasks.


Collaborative working mode where different users can save, update, merge and retrieve specific versions of a flow.


Graphical add-on: it can be a simple shape or a text box.