Release Notes 1.2.1

Version 1.2.1-42

Released February 17, 2024


  • Slow startup (CS-2695/RP-3259/RP-3209): Rulex Platform startup might have required minutes on some laptops, due to the retrieval of the user group. Therefore the default has been changed to erase this retrieval. It can be restored by adding the key "addgroups" with value ‘true’ in the configuration.json file.

  • Issue with import tasks on Rulex platform (CS-2731/RP-3241): by clicking on SQL code and then clicking outside of it, the code is not deleted anymore.

Version 1.2.1-27

Released February 11, 2024


  • Legend is not added to a plot in case of multi-output for curve plot (RP-3216): legend was not automatically added in case of multiple outputs on the curve plot.

  • Bar Mode Type Combobox contains empty entry (RP-3225): Bar Mode Type drop down menu in the Plot Type Option menu contained an empty entry, corresponding to the null value. This entry has been erased.

Version 1.2.1-26

Released February 10, 2024

Features added:

  • New function breakLoop (RP-2951): introduced the new function "breakLoop", for breaking module loop execution based on binary condition.

  • Adopt Symphony library as a wrapper for Coin-Or linear optimizer (RP-2883): Symphony library has been added as a wrapper to Coin-Or linear optimizer.

Features changed:

  • Empty rows are not correctly managed when importing text files (RP-2865): empty rows are now correctly managed when importing text files.


  • Network Optimizer - negative stock deployment & task hanging (CS-2717/RP-3211): in the Network Optimizer now the "Attribute for maximum quantity to move" option can be correctly set.

  • [Factory] Connection Parameters no longer existing in factory logs (CS-2722/RP-3220): restored sensitive log in Import from Database/Conditional Import tasks with connection parameters information.

  • Unknown Internal Error encountered in Factory (CS-2713/RP-3221): a bug on alert of type "Task rows" set on a datamanager without history and a "Import From Task" importing from that datamanager led to an error.

  • WRT does not include in parametrized formulas including process variables (RP-3214): WRT recognized as parametrized only options which were exactly equal to a process variable and not variables included in formulas.